Iron Buck Painting
Make Us Your Trusted Local Painting Company in Central, OH
Before you spend thousands of dollars on a home renovation, try painting your home first. A fresh layer of paint can completely transform your home design, giving you the stylish space you want for a fraction of the cost.
Turn to Iron Buck Painting for professional painting services in Central, OH. We offer residential interior painting services, exterior painting services, commercial interior painting and more.
Our local painting company will work with you to create a whole new color palette for your home.
Don't wait, call or contact us for help today!
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Residential Interior Painting
Get custom residential interior painting services in Hilliard, OH.
Residential Exterior Painting
We offer custom residential exterior painting services in Hilliard, OH.
Commercial Painting
Schedule commercial interior painting services with Iron Buck Painting.
If you need professional painting services in Hilliard, OH, you’ve come to the right place. Iron Buck Painting has the experience and equipment to deliver.
Interior painting services
Walls, ceilings, trim, molding, cabinets.
Exterior painting services
Siding, decks, fences, shutters, trim.
Commercial painting services
Offices, warehouses, schools, retail stores.
Ask about our professional painting services today
Let our local painting company bring out the best in your home or business. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.
Why hire
We take pride in our community and aim to keep Hilliard, OH a beautiful place to live and work, one paint job at a time. Hire our local painting company today to take advantage of our services.
We have unmatched attention to detail and will make sure you get flawless results every time. Call 614-992-6996 today for professional painting services in Hilliard, OH.
Iron Buck Painting offers professional painting services in the Hilliard, OH area. Call 614-992-6996 today to schedule a consultation!
Ask about our professional painting services today
Let our local painting company bring out the best in your home or business. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.
Kerri Wilke
We loved our experience with Iron Buck Painting. We had all common areas painted to upgrade our builder-quality paint. Stan was thorough and fair in his estimate. Our painters were prompt, polite and very neat in their work. I would happily work with Iron Buck Painting again.
Kristi Hoge
Iron buck painting hit it out of the park with a whole house paint. We built 3 years ago and the builder grade flat paint was not working out. Iron buck helped us identify the right paint for the long term and paid attention to the details but also executed each stage with integrity. These characteristics were incredibly important to us. We would recommend this company to anyone. The work was excellent, the price was affordable, and most importantly the outcome exceeded our expectations. Sharing a couple of our favorite pictures of the overall wall paint and accent walls we packaged into our job.
John Ward
4 reasons we endorse Iron Buck. They started our project when they promised. The work crew was on time, respected our property, and cleaned up when they were done. The quality of their workmanship was excellent (it looks great!). And their price was very competitive! We've had problems with contractors in the past, but not with these guys. We would heartily recommend Iron Buck!
Call 614-992-6996 today to schedule a consultation. You can also use the form on this page to request a free estimate.
Give us a call today or fill out the contact form so that we can asses your needs as quickly as possible.
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Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Contact Iron Buck Painting
Give us a call today so we can give you a free estimate and serve you the best way possible.
Hours of Operation
Iron Buck Painting